Green Belt training in English shaped by practice of students

16-02-2025 Geplaatst door Redactie

For non-Dutch speakers, it has been possible to follow an English-speaking Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course for some time now. The Lean Six Sigma Groep offers these very practical trainings. Every training is moulded by the stories of course participants. Besides the Green Belt training, there is an English Green Belt to Black Belt, and a complete Black Belt training.

The students stem from a variety of organizations, like Mercedez-Benz, Rotterdam Airport, ING, Bosch and many more. The English speaking Green and Black Belt students characterize by being very passionate.

Consultant Chris Snellen van Vollenhoven: “These people overcame hurdles in their lives to get them where they are now. In many cases, they work on a project, or have the ambition to start one soon”.

English Green Belt courses hard to find

Take China originated Qidi Sway Hu, who works as a Supply Lead at Omron Healthcare Europe. She had worked on a project and a Green Belt training fitted her need. English Green Belt courses however were hard to find in The Netherlands. Then she stumbled upon the Lean Six Sigma Groep. Talks with Chris were positive, and he assured her that the Green Belt course would suit her project.

“We adapt our course program to the stories of participants and the needs they have in practice.”, Chris Snellen van Vollenhoven explains. “We firmly believe this is the right way to teach Lean Six Sigma.”

Qidi Hu Sway adds: “The training was divided into multiple blocks. That made it easier to internalize the theory, and put it immediately into practice as well.”.

Each Green Belt course is different

In terms of content, the English-language Green Belt training program is the same as the Dutch-language course offered by the Lean Six Sigma Groep. But interpretation in each course may vary.

As an example, Chris mentions a Bosch employee who was involved in setup reduction. “Setup reduction is a subject discussed in Green Belt training, but not extensively. Because this employee was so involved in the subject, I added an extra module about setup reduction to the training. ”

“Last year a student was completely involved by call center processes. So we dived more into that subject. The relatively small classes make this possible.

Qidi Hu Sway recalls the main benefit from her training: “The root cause of the problem I studied turned out to be quite different from what people believed. I proved this by applying the Green Belt theory I learnt. It lead to the conviction that this approach is valuable for other projects as well.”.

More information about the English Green Belt training you can find here.