Quick Scan

What is a Quick Scan?

A Quick Scan is a brief examination of a process within an organization. The aim is a swift and thorough analysis, identifying key opportunities, bottlenecks, and improvement possibilities. The results of the Quick Scan can prompt the implementation of improvements and the initiation of improvement projects.

Our Approach

Our ‘Quick Scan’ typically spans over a month and involves a concise and targeted analysis of the organization, the process, and the teams. The strength lies in collaborative analysis with the individuals involved in the process. During the scan, we perform the following:

  • Interviews with a selection of involved employees from the process, management, and, if possible, internal customers. The objective is to understand what is happening within the process.
  • Mapping the process using a Value Stream Map, a technique that visualizes inefficiencies in processes. We conduct workshops to map key processes with individuals from the process.
  • Supplementing data to the Value Stream Map and potentially conducting additional interviews and discussions to further unravel specific areas.
  • A workshop with participants and potential customers to validate the Value Stream Map with the gathered data.
  • Summarizing the workshop outcomes in a report, followed by an action plan to enhance the process.
  • Presenting the report and action plan to the management and stakeholders.

Advantages of the Quick Scan

A Quick Scan provides a rapid overview of how the process is functioning and identifies areas for improvement. Importantly, the results are embraced by the people involved as we collaborate with them throughout the process. The change models we employ are aligned with the organization’s needs. It all begins with a vision: where does the organization want to go, and what is required to achieve that vision and goal? Often, a Quick Scan yields more than initially anticipated.

Benefits of a Quick Scan include:

  • The threshold for a Quick Scan is not very high; it works swiftly and creates buy-in.
  • We utilize information readily available, from data to interviews with involved employees.
  • An initial follow-up step can involve promptly implementing identified quick wins, showcasing rapid results.

Want to learn more?

For additional information or a tailored proposal, please contact us via email at info@leansixsigmagroep.nl or by phone at 088-5326700.