What does RACI mean?

Discover what the RACI model is

The letters of the RACI model represent roles of employees in a process for tasks:

R – Responsible: the person who performs the task is responsible for its execution. The task executor must then be accountable to the person who is accountable.

A – Accountable: this person bears the final responsibility for the correct completion of one or more project tasks. He/she is accountable and he/she must approve (sign off) the task. There is only one person accountable.

C – Consulted: this is the person who is asked for advice in advance. This is two-way communication; in addition to advice, he/she also helps in the implementation and this gives direction to the result.

I – Informed: this person is informed in the interim about the decisions, about the progess, results achieved, Etc. This is one-way communication.

Sometimes there is also talk about RASCI. The letter S stands for S Supportive. This person is supportive of the result. Role is very similar to the C-roll. The Dutch designation is VERI-Matrix which stands for Verantwoordelijk (Responsible) / Eind verantwoordelijk (Final Responsibility) / Raadplegen (Consult) / Informeren (Inform).


The RACI matrix is an array used to represent the roles and responsibilities of the persons involved in a project or line work.
The matrix shows on the horizontal axis the names of the persons or the functional roles, and on the vertical axis the results, processes or activities to be delivered.
You fill in the matrix with committed employees from your process, after your process has been improved. After all, the new process often has a new way of working.
With each combination of a name/role/function and result/process/task, a letter (R, A, C or I) is filled in. This way you get a clear overview of who is involved in the result/process/task in what way. Every task always has an R and an A.
After filling in, the matrix is communicated widely, so that employees know who has which role in the improved process.
Advantages of using RACI model
Completing an RACI matrix with the data subjects brings benefits, such as:
  • Alignment and clarification of the role(s) and responsibilities
  • Increase support
  • Better teamwork

Examples RACI-matrix

Role 1 (name) Role 2 (name) Role 3 (name) Role 4 (name)
Task 1 R A C I
Task 2 A R C I
Task 3 A R C I
Task 4 I A I R